Goat Club Workshop - West Lafayette

Goat Club Workshop

Our purpose is to instruct and educate 4-Hers on good management, showmanship, and husbandry techniques to help those interested in raising all types of goats!

When? 9:00am to 1:30pm Saturday, April 13, 2019
Where? Creighton Hall Pavilion
270 S Russel St, West Lafayette IN, 47907

9:00-9:25am – Meat Goats
9:30-9:55am –Dairy Goats
10:00-10:25 – Health and Husbandry
10:30-10:55am – Snack Break
11:00-11:25am – Goat Care Trivia Game
11:30-11:55am – Goat Jeopardy and Nutrition
12:00-1:00 – Showmanship

Please RSVP
with John Rumsey


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