National 4-H Volunteer E-Forum

This fall we have a wonderful opportunity to provide training to adult and youth 4-H Volunteers through the National 4-H Volunteer E-Forum series! Three different sessions will be offered October 5, November 2, and December 7 from 7-8:30 PM.

During each session, virtual presenters will share content; host site facilitators (Extension Staff and/or volunteers) will lead on-site, hands-on activities based on instructions provided; and adult and youth volunteers will interact with each other on-site and with volunteers from across the country via chat pods and poll questions. Resources will be provided for volunteers to use with the 4-H members in their clubs.

The following dates and topics will be presented:

October 5- Cultivating an Environment for Growing True Leaders

November 2- "STEM"ming into Animal Science, Growing True Leaders

December 7- Helping 4-H'ers grow in Life & Work

These will be shown at the Marshall County Building. These are on the same dates as 4-H Council meetings. Ideally we would like to have our meeting members participate in these as well when possible.
