2019 Fluid Power Challenge

NFPA Fluid Power Challenge is an educational competition designed to introduce science and engineering to middle school students in a fun and friendly environment. Students learn about the basics of fluid power (hydraulics and pneumatics), teamwork, organization and perseverance, as they experiment and design their own fluid power machine. The event includes a Workshop Day where teams come together to learn about fluid power and careers, build a pneumatic lifter and receive their challenge kits. Teams then take their kits (including tools and supplies), back home to work on solving the challenge problem, developing a portfolio, and then building their fluid power machine. On the Challenge Day, teams return with their tools to re-build their fluid power machines, and then compete in a timed competition. The teams of four to five youth will need to attend both days. The Challenge is an amazing event that truly gets students excited, teaches team building, problem-solving, time management and also introduces the many opportunities in careers in fluid power that can really help build a skilled workforce in our community.

Workshop day: Saturday, January 26, 2019 (snow date Saturday, Feb 2)
Challenge day: Saturday, March 2, 2019

You may visit purdue.ag/4HFluidPower for more information about our event.

Registration can be completed by an approved 4-H Volunteer or 4-H Educator via 4HOnline. The cost per team is $20. Checks can be made out to Purdue University. Space is limited to 10 teams, so register now! The deadline to register is January 16.

You are responsible for coordinating transportation for students and volunteers to attend both the Workshop Day and the Challenge Day. Lunch will be provided.


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