“4-H Shark Tank”: 2017 Indiana Youth and Adult Congress

The Indiana 4-H Youth and Adult Congress will be held on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at the Farm Bureau Building on the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis. This year’s theme is “4-H Shark Tank”, incorporating entrepreneurship concepts into 4-H Congress to help youth and adults explore methods to more systematically/intentionally spread the 4-H message. The 3 leadership sessions to be offered include:

4-H Elevator Speech: How do you share your 4-H story in a short, succinct manner with those who are not familiar with the program?

Social Entrepreneurship: The attempt to draw upon business techniques and private sector approaches to find solutions to social, cultural and environmental problems. Define possible solutions that local teams can address and create movements to make a change in the communities.

Marketing Your Local 4-H Program: What steps can you take to build awareness of the 4-H program in your communities?
Our cap note speaker is Matt McIntyre, Founder and CEO of Brackets for Good. Matt will share his entrepreneurial experiences of organizing fund raising tournaments that have helped raise over $6.3 million for local charities in just 32 weeks.

Registration is $25/person and is due by Sept. 15. Pleas e-mail kaiserj1@purdue.edu if you would like the registration form e-mailed to you. This fee includes a continental breakfast and the Indiana 4-H Scholarship Banquet.

The deadline to register has been extended to Friday, September 22!


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