
Showing posts from September, 2017

TSC Paper Clover Fundraiser

Tractor Supply is teaming up with 4-H for their annual paper clover fundraising event! Visit our Marshall County Tractor Supply anytime October 4-15 and add $1 to your order by purchasing a paper clover. This donation comes back and supports OUR program! It is a win-win for everyone!  We hope many of you will visit TSC and donate to help support our Marshall County 4-H Program, and a big THANK YOU to Tractor Supply for giving us this opportunity!

National 4-H Week October 1-7

National 4-H week is October 1-7! This is the 75th year youth, parents, volunteers and alumni will be celebrating! Take this opportunity to showcase your 4-H accomplishments! If you use social media, use the hashtag #TrueLeaders to share 4-H projects, events, or photos. With enrollment beginning October 1st and many achievement banquets coming up, this is the perfect time to reach out to friends and family to encourage them to join 4-H and take part in all of the fun it has to offer!

Extension Board Annual Meeting Oct. 24

Please join us for the Extension Board Annual Meeting October 24 at 6:30 PM at Christos' Banquet Center! Highlights of the evening include: Dinner Program: "Integrating STEM into Informal Educational Programs" Presentation of Friend of Extension Award Presentation of Outstanding 4-H Leader Award Presentation of Friend of 4-H Award Election of Board Members Guest Speaker: Dr. Hui Hui Wang, Assistant Professor Youth Development and Agricultural Education, Purdue University Dr. Wang will present an overview of STEM integration in an educational setting. She will also present several examples of STEM programs she has had success with while working with 4-H youth and other Extension programs. Her expertise on this topic is sure to provide a new and exciting understanding of STEM integration to our community. Tickets are available from any Marshall County Extension Board member or at the Marshall County Extension Office and are $20.00 each. Please R.S.V.P

4HOnline Enrollment Begins October 1!

Enrollment for 2017-2018 in 4HOnline begins October 1, 2017! If you will be a returning member or volunteer you will need to log on to your family profile in  4HOnline  and re-enroll for the current year (2017-2018). Detailed directions for this process can be found by clicking the links below: Re-Enrolling Members Through 4HOnline Enrolling in 4HOnline as a Youth Member Don't forget that our Color Run is coming up on October 21! This event is helping us kick off the new enrollment year! If you still need to register please follow this  link.  Share with your family and friends! It is sure to be a great time for all and we have some awesome 4-H prizes for both adults and youth that participate! You can also find our event on  Facebook! If you know someone who may enjoy 4-H like you do, please encourage them to join in on the fun! They can also register in  4HOnline  by creating a family profile. If you or someone you know needs assistance with registering or re-enroll

Marshall County Buckle Bonanza

Please see the flyer below for details on the upcoming Marshall County Buckle Bonanza! The information can also be found on the  Marshall County 4-H Fair Grounds Facebook Page.

National 4-H Volunteer E-Forum

This fall we have a wonderful opportunity to provide training to adult and youth 4-H Volunteers through the National 4-H Volunteer E-Forum series! Three different sessions will be offered October 5, November 2, and December 7 from 7-8:30 PM. During each session, virtual presenters will share content; host site facilitators (Extension Staff and/or volunteers) will lead on-site, hands-on activities based on instructions provided; and adult and youth volunteers will interact with each other on-site and with volunteers from across the country via chat pods and poll questions. Resources will be provided for volunteers to use with the 4-H members in their clubs. The following dates and topics will be presented: October 5- Cultivating an Environment for Growing True Leaders November 2- "STEM"ming into Animal Science, Growing True Leaders December 7- Helping 4-H'ers grow in Life & Work These will be shown at the Marshall County Building. These are on the same date

Junior Leader's Call Out Meeting

The annual Jr. Leaders call-out party will be on Saturday, September 23rd from 6-10pm. It will be held at the home of Trevor Pletcher. This event is open to all 4-H members in grades 7-12. The evening will consist of dinner, an overview of Jr. Leaders, and lots of recreation, games and getting to know everyone. Everyone will need to bring their own chair and the following contribution for dinner: 7th & 8th Grades: Drinks 9th & 10th Grades: Chips or other side dish 11th & 12th Grades: Dessert Please spread the word and invite your friends to join Jr. Leaders! If you have questions or are in need of the address for the call-out party, please contact Stacy Robinson at

Horse and Pony Research Event

Attention Horse and Pony members! Our county has been selected to participate in a research study on the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare focused on horses. It is a short survey followed by a 45 minute program. We are encouraging all of our Horse and Pony members to attend. Brandon Rice is who will be conducting the research. Kelsey was once in his shoes and it can be challenging for people to actively participate in research. However, she feels this could be very informative to all Horse and Pony Members. There will be an incentive prize given at the event to all members who attend! The event will be on October 4, 2017 at 6:30 PM at the Extension Office. If you have any questions please call our office at 574-935-8545. We hope to see you there!

Fish Fry This Saturday!

This Saturday, September 16, the Marshall County 4-H Fish/Chicken Fry will be held from 4-7PM at the Marshall County 4-H Fairgrounds. Please see the flyer below and share with your friends and family! Tickets available at the door! We hope to see you there!

Exhibit Guide Cover Contest!

We need help from our 4-Her's to design our 2018 Exhibit Guide Cover! We are asking any 4-H member interested to design a cover for the Exhibit Guide following the theme "What 4-H means to me". Please follow these guidelines: Complete on 8 1/2 x 11 inch white paper Vertical design Must be hand drawn and colored No computer images please Write first and last name/preferred phone number on the back of your design Turn in to the Extension Office by October 18 Voting will take place on Facebook and in our office. You can vote on Facebook by liking your favorite cover, and in the office the covers will be displayed and there will be voting available where the covers are displayed.  Voting will close on November 8. Votes will be tallied and the winner will be announced on November 9. The winner will be the NEW cover of our 2018 Exhibit Guide and also receive a 4-H Shirt!  This contest is open to any 4-H member, including mini members! We can

Voluntary Demographic Survey

Please follow this link to complete a voluntary demographic survey to help us collect information about our program participants.

Fish Fry Volunteers Needed!

The Fish/Chicken Fry will be next Saturday, September 16 from 4PM-7PM at the fairgrounds. We need your help! We are in need of volunteers to help set up and prepare/cut fish on Friday, September 15 at 6:30 PM. Please bring your own cutting utensils. If you are able to volunteer please contact Chantel Poisel at Also, the township basket donations for the silent auction need to be dropped of to the Extension Office no later than 3:30 PM on Friday, September 15. If you have other items you would like to donate to the silent auction please feel free to drop those off as well. We appreciate everyone’s efforts to make this fundraiser a success! We hope you are able to donate your time and will join us on Saturday, September 16th for the fish/chicken fry!